Do women’s travels differ significantly from men’s? Yes, there are some slight differences. Therefore, if you are still deciding whether to buy a ticket and go on a trip alone? Or do you already have a similar solo travel experience, but are you still afraid or have doubts? Do not be afraid. At the moment, a large number of girls make various trips. They are open to new events and adventures that turn into the best experience and memories. Of course, in such trips you will have to make some sacrifices, such as using a minimum of makeup and clothes, leaving a hairdryer and hair straightener at home. But even with a minimum of things, it is possible to look beautiful and well-groomed. Here are some tips for backpacker girls:


Choose things practical – each corresponds to each. Whatever the trip, it turns out that certain jeans you have nothing to wear, and they will remain intact.

But do not overdo it: you are unlikely to want to come to a decent bar, club or restaurant in sportswear in which you spent 3 days in a row. Therefore, bring decent jeans and a T-shirt and suitable non-heeled shoes – in contrast to previous clothes, you will feel great in this. If there is not enough space in your backpack, do not fold your clothes, but curl up with a straw.

If you plan to spend several days in a tent in terms of your trip, then do not leave your house until you take a flashlight on your head and rubber slates with you. When you are planning to set up a tent or make dinner at night – thank yourself 100 times for the decision to take a flashlight on your head. And rubber slates are very practical, you can go to the beach, take a shower, walk in a hostel, etc.


Staying in hostels is a great idea. This type of hotel is mostly intended for backpackers, so hostels have the things and services that such people need: laundries, Internet, book exchange, can give advice on local attractions or help with further trips. The only negative: you have to spend the night in the same room with other people whom you have never seen and about whom you know nothing.

Of course, there is a chance that you will come across annoying people who decide to dry their tasteless smelling things on the battery or snore at night, drunk people who arrive at 4 a.m. and turn on the lights or “couples in love.” In this case, earplugs and an eye mask can correct the situation. If you have to look for something in your things at 4 a.m., do not turn on the light, but use a flashlight or a phone backlight.


If you have things you can’t do without at home (good tea or coffee, ketchup or your favorite chocolate), take them with you! The taste of home can cheer you up when you are far abroad.

To save money, use the kitchen in the hostel for self-catering. Here you will have to apply a little tactics and respect, because besides you, other people also want to cook food, and they want to do it in a clean place. Shop at large grocery stores.


Try not to look like a tourist: do not wear a lot of jewelry or a large camera for show

  • Hide cash in a safe place, preferably not in a backpack
  • Condom packaging: safety standard, just in case
  • Dress modestly in Asia or the Middle East: jeans or long skirts, T-shirts without a deep neckline
  • In India, the more you hide yourself from prying eyes, the better
  • Bear in mind that blonde hair sometimes attracts a lot of unwanted male attention, so try to hide it.
  • Before leaving, collect your first-aid kit, which will contain all the necessary medicines. Make sure that you know exactly how to use and in what doses each of them
  • If you are traveling to a hot country, take sunscreen and head cover
  • Have health insurance. Otherwise, using medical care can be very expensive.
  • Do not hitchhike alone! Why? Watch this video and you will understand: