Best travel guides around the world

There are many very detailed travel apps for smartphones and tablets. However, the good old paper guides also did not lose their relevance, since they do not require recharging, they do not slow down, and they do not freeze. And the text written on paper is often perceived better than electronic. We will not give preference to any one kind of guides and consider the best guides , whether they are in print or electronic form.

Opens the ranking of popular travel guides is an excellent mobile application for iOS and Android, which contains information about all the popular tourist destinations in the world. All available information is sorted by sections: Food, Sights, Interesting information and so on. You can read the comments of tourists about places where it is better to go, or vice versa, it is absolutely not worth visiting. The program is integrated with Google Maps, so the most detailed maps will be at your service anywhere in the world. The routes proposed by the program can be changed at your own discretion: change the number and composition of objects, reduce or increase the duration of the tour and make notes. And if there are notifications of ticket reservations in your Google inbox, Google Trips will show the flight and departure time. Cost: Free. 4godgvg5This mobile application offers many pictures of hotels and restaurants that have been uploaded by travelers, not advertisers. In addition, TripAdvisor has detailed maps of 300 cities in the world and can be accessed even offline. Thanks to the feedback from real users, it is very easy to find the cheapest tickets for flights, hotel rooms and restaurants, and you can reserve a place, as they say, in one click. D

isadvantages: there are problems with sorting in the search, the “my trips” option does not work on the tablet. series of domestic guides in Russia and the world was written taking into account the interests of Russian tourists. Each “Afisha” guidebook is compiled by an author who often visits the city in question or who constantly lives in it. The books describe in great detail the most popular tourist routes, as well as the main points of urban life: shopping establishments, popular restaurants, clubs and theaters. An additional plus: these guides are sold in most bookstores. Cons: there are guides only for cities, not countries in general.There is a reason people fall asleep while reading history books, and that reason is boredom.

However, reading city and country guides from Rough Guides will not be boring. The descriptions in them are very vivid and objective, there is useful information not only about the history of a city or its attractions, but also about bars, restaurants, hotels and clubs with an indication of price categories. There are many cards in the books. However, due to their detail, these guides can scare away those who value conciseness. 6. Travel Guides Dorling Kindersley One of the best travel guides of 2017 on our list. They have district schemes, beautiful and informative illustrations and photographs, and the presentation style is not mentoring, but very interesting. There are practical tips for travelers, a description of seasonal events in different cities, and, of course, information about hotels, markets, cafes, pubs and other types of leisure activities. However, in the reviews there are complaints about poor quality paper, pages can easily fall out of the book. The text in the books is small, which is inconvenient for people with low vision. And the price of guidebooks is high – from 750 rubles and above. 5. Travel Guides Polyglot The first guides of this series were issued in black and white, while the modern Polyglot are full-color books on quality paper. in Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Oceania. The books have a mini phrasebook, and they are written short and to the point. There are information on the main tourist routes, detailed maps, practical tips and photographs of the main attractions. 4. Bradt Travel Guides Is there Small and inexpensive guides for those who are interested in leisurely travels (travel by public transport and train, hiking). From the Bradt guides you will find a brief historical information about the city you want to visit, about its most interesting places. Disadvantages: there are no color illustrations and schemes of the city, the maps available are very small, so get ready to consider them with a magnifying glass. 3. Guides Around the World Is thereOpens the top 3 of the best guides in Russia and the world a series of domestic publications.

They are very informative and “without water” tells about the main attractions of different cities and countries. If you like objective recommendations and a lot of photos that let you know whether to go to this place or not, then the Around the World paper guide will be an excellent choice. Disadvantages: maps of most cities are tied to the central part. 2. The National Geographic Traveler Is there From these guides you can find information about the national characteristics, cultural traditions and attractions of the place you have chosen to travel. The books are full of informative maps and magnificent illustrations. There are walking options in the main cities of different countries and trips to certain areas. Disadvantages: not all attractions are given detailed and interesting descriptions. 1. A series of guides from the first place in the selection of the best travel guides for tourists are very detailed, detailed paper guides, which contain all the subtleties of a stay in a particular country. The reader is provided with information about the history of the country or city visited, all the sights of interest are described in a bit and the time at which it is better to visit is indicated, as well as the approximate cost of the visit.

The guide also gives advice on which transport is best to travel around the area and which transport cards are better to use in order to save on travel. These guidebooks have two disadvantages: the weight of the book (about 2 kg) and the price – about 1000 rubles. There are free electronic options in pdf, but they are very slow due to the large size.